2020 so far feels like the year that will never end. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the usual “real life” distractions to keep my mind occupied like I used to. So now, with no office job, no face-to-face social interactions with anyone other than my husband, and no travel plans, I’m left with myself and my thoughts.
Boy, did I not realize how adamant those pesky little thoughts are. All of a sudden, my anxiety is heightened and I’m starting to look to the past for answers to questions I thought I had put behind me long ago. This is never a good idea.
I’ve realized that the only thing that truly matters is the present moment. The past is gone and the future isn’t here yet, so focus on the only thing you have control over: the present. This is what those in the biz call mindfulness.
I think it’s safe to say that we are all struggling with our mental health this year, in one way or another. I don’t claim to be a therapist or mental health professional by any means, but I have learned a few things these past months about what works when it comes to quieting my anxiety and bringing myself back to a healthier place. I so hope that this might help you, too.
For me, practicing mindfulness means acknowledging the things that bring you anxiety and understanding that their existence does not mean you are in any danger. Take a deep breath and look around, ground yourself. In this moment, you are completely safe.
Coming to terms with hard truths is never easy, but it’s how we grow and move on. For example, one of my hard truths is that the past has already happened and I cannot do anything to change it. It’s a tough journey to acceptance, and one that I am currently still on, but I think I’m really close to my destination.
There was a time this year when the weight of my hard truths felt so crushing, I didn’t know what to do. Mindfulness is a real skill that takes time and practice. We’re going to have to walk through a few fires before meeting our inner peace on the other side.
At the end of the day, if I can experience inner peace with myself and the battles that I didn’t win, that’s how I know it’s working. Deep breaths, everyone. Go be mindful.
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