Since it’s the first month of 2020, I wanted to dedicate a blog post to acknowledging some of my defining milestones of the past decade. Can you believe it’s already been ten years since 2010? What was I even doing in 2010? I think I was in my second to last year of high school, not even thinking about where I would be in ten years. I do have to say that I think 2010 Jess would be pretty frickin impressed with 2020 Jess. She’s come a long way.
Before going further, I want to note that this little idea was inspired by a Patreon episode from some of my favorite morning show hosts over at The Morning Toast. So, without further ado… here are the top five defining moments of my decade (in chronological order):
Milestone #1: Moving to London for the summer in 2014
I always wanted to study abroad in London. Going into college, this was one of the only goals I had actually set out to make a reality. When it came time, the process of getting accepted into the program was way more challenging than I had expected. Overcoming huge obstacles to make it to London was not only a challenge that shaped and defined what would become my work ethic but it’s also what made living and interning in the city so much sweeter than I had ever imagined. London is by far my favorite city in the world and even though I only lived there for three short months, they were the best months of my early 20’s.
Milestone #2: Graduating college in 2015
Obviously! This is a huge thing for anyone who spent 4-4.5 years of their life feeling like the day would never come. When it finally did come I remember feeling like, Wow I’ve really accomplished something. College is such a structured yet carefree time in your life and when you make it out it feels like you could have been living in a bubble that whole time. The day of my graduation I was so excited thinking about what life was going to be like once I left Michigan and started living in the “real world.”
Milestone #3: Moving to LA in 2016
I really didn’t waste any time moving on to bigger and better things. I graduated college in December of 2015 and by January 2016, I had a new address in Los Angeles. It was the most confusing yet exhilarating time. Joining the workforce, learning how to manage my hard-earned money, trying to perfect the balancing act between wanting to be an adult and not wanting the adult responsibilities. It took some time and a lot of acceptance but I’ll never regret making this move or where it’s gotten me.
Milestone #4: Getting married in 2016
Ah, what can I say. When you know, you know. And ever since I met him, I knew I would marry the man who is now my husband. You could say we eloped. Back then, we didn’t have the resources we have now, but if we had to do it again I think we still would have made the same choice to have an intimate courthouse wedding. Everything about it was so raw and green and beautiful. We only had each other (and a few witnesses) but that was all we needed.
Milestone #5: Starting Paradise Electric in 2019
I spoke about starting my blog for SO long – literally years! I spent so much time trying to convince myself why I wasn’t ready yet because everything had to be perfect. But one day I got out of my own way and I just fucking did it. Having an outlet to create whatever I want and becoming part of this community are huge things that I’m so grateful for! Soon it will be one year since I started Paradise Electric and I’m so ready to see where she goes in 2020 and beyond.
Thanks for reading! What are some of your biggest moments from the past decade?