In 2020, my main objective is to be more goal-oriented. If you want to achieve anything, it’s my belief that the best thing you can do is set a goal, but more importantly, the foundation of a path to that goal.
If you’re new to the process of goal setting, or just want some helpful tips on where to start, here are some of mine:
- Assign parameters such as timelines so you can track progress. For example “By Thursday, I will have gone to the gym at least once,” or “By April, I will have worked with at least three brands.”
- Make it tangible so that it never leaves your mind. I always think about the saying “out of sight, out of mind.” If you want to accomplish something it needs to be on your mind always, so make sure it’s in sight too!
- Write them down. I’ve been writing down my weekly goals on a whiteboard in my kitchen – it’s so much easier to stick to something when it’s right in front of my face.
- Create a mood board. This is obviously not for everyone, but it’s definitely for me. Mood boards set the tone and help me visualize the vibes I want to emulate. And they’re pretty (see above).
- I like my goals to be well-rounded. Every new year, I try to establish at least one goal in each of the four sectors: 1) Personal 2) Professional 3) Financial and 4) Mental/Spiritual
In addition to these tips, I also wanted to share the personal goals that I’m most excited about this year. These are a little different than the goals I tick off my list every week; they’re the long-term goals I’m working toward so I can build a better foundation within myself and feel more at peace.
In 2020 I will:
- Stop taking things so personally
- Travel to at least five new cities
- Be more present in the moment (because you can’t change the past and you can’t know the future)
- Expand my vocabulary
- Nurture my friendships and spend more quality time with my closest friends
What goals are you most excited about accomplishing this year? If you have any of your own goal setting tips, I want to hear em!