Plus, where to donate to help those most affected by COVID-19.

I woke up this morning with the same thought in my head that I’ve had for the past seven weeks, “Another day in quarantine.” But I didn’t mean it the way you might think. I’m not jaded or burdened and I’m most certainly not complaining.
It goes without saying that everyone is experiencing this time differently. My quarantine experience may not be the same as your quarantine experience.
It’s inevitable that those of us with non-essential jobs working from home will feel a sense of boredom, fatigue, stress or possibly depression at some points during all of this. It’s also possible that you could feel a sense of creativity, acceptance, humility and maybe even peace.
I know I have gone through most of these emotions, but more often than not, my days end with a feeling of gratitude that I’m in the position to even occasionally enjoy myself right now. I’ve spoken about this before and I’ll say it again, the luxury of time is a true privilege that should not be taken for granted.

After getting laid off from my job in the PR industry in March, I was given an opportunity to start a new chapter. Then COVID-19 hit the U.S hard and everything came to a halt – including the hiring landscape. But don’t worry about me – now I have the time I’ve always dreamed of to exercise my creativity and focus on this blog and building something I’ve wanted to for so long. My husband is my rock and together we’re a team. I don’t say any of this to brag, I say it to express how fucking grateful I am that this is where I landed.
I can only attempt to understand the struggles of people who may not be so lucky. To the medical and essential workers, to the people who are finding it difficult to support their families, for those in abusive relationships with no escape… I can’t stop thinking about you.
Life has to go back to normal at some point and when it does I hope we all have a new level of understanding for each other. I hope whoever is thriving at home during this time can adjust to going back to work and social settings, I hope those who are unemployed can find work, and I hope our medical and essential workers get the much needed break they deserve.
We’re almost there, you guys. We can do this.
In the meantime, below I’ve rounded up some charities helping those most affected by the pandemic. These are only a handful that could use donations. If you can spare anything, be sure to do your own research before donating to a cause you care most about it.